What you show is what you sell. The importance of digital menu boards

Posted by brett sidaway on

What you show is what you sell. The importance of digital menu boards

Fast food or food-to-go restaurants have faced some big challenges over recent years – and digital menu boards have helped successful businesses at every stage.

Pre-pandemic there was the rise of High Street competition. As retail declined, more and more empty units were taken over by restaurants and fast food venues. For any business, it was essential to stay ahead of the competition and digital menus helped them attract customers, maximise sales, increase upsells and build brand.

Not only do the screens help organisations create truly mouthwatering displays that show the menu range at its very best but software maximise the impact of these displays so , for example, menus could easily switch between breakfast and lunch menus, or switch between seasonal menus. They could also more easily promote offers and deals.

Then along came Covid, and a fresh set of challenges. In the UK, after initial lockdown the law allowed for limited opening for takeaway service only. Again, rather than unwieldy print a digital screen could communicate this fact and promote the takeaway menu available.

Many customers were concerned about Covid19 safety policies and procedures. Information was more easily conveyed and more easily updated as legal regulations changed.

digital menu

Future proofing with digital menu boards

Post-Covid brought further challenges. Logistics and staffing issues meant that menu options changed on an almost daily basis – a hassle for any restaurateur but at least updating the new menus was the least painful aspect if they had digital menus.

What next? We don’t have a crystal ball but we are correct in assuming there will lots more challenges as the globe reacts to uncertainty that may mean further logistical challenges and potential economic downturn that might shift consumers’ emphasis towards value.

One thing we are sure of is that, while a digital menu board won’t solve every challenge it can help deliver clear menu, pricing and branding info, maximise promotions and marketing impact with a host of integrated software apps designed to make life a little easier in these challenging times.

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